MSC Practice:  Soles of the Feet

MSC Practice: Soles of the Feet

This is an effective way to anchor your awareness in the present moment, in body sensation, especially when you’re upset and can’t calm yourself down. • Stand up and feel the soles of your feet on the floor. Rock forward and back a little, and side to side. Make...
MSC Practice: Supportive Touch

MSC Practice: Supportive Touch

One easy way to care for and comfort yourself when you’re feeling badly is to give yourself supportive touch. Touch activates the care system and the parasympathetic nervous system to help us calm down and feel safe. It may feel awkward or embarrassing at first, but...
Mindfulness & Inner Resiliency Training for Health Practitioners

Mindfulness & Inner Resiliency Training for Health Practitioners

A 1/2 day introduction to the research and skills involve in building inner resiliency. Research has been exploding the last ten years showing a strong link between mindfulness and self-compassion and less negative emotions (anxiety, anger, frustration, stress, depression) and, at the same time, the strong development of more positive emotions (relationship satisfaction, healthier lifestyle behaviours, increased happiness and overall wellbeing.