After I turned 50, I became more aware of the preciousness of life. That there was a time limit on my existence in this little life as I know it and there was less time now, than more. I looked around at my beautiful friends who are also moving into the afternoons of life and realized that not all of us will be together forever. I wondered whether we could create circles of support to help us take care of ourselves and each other. It is a selfish idea really, because I want to do a lot more living with these people. I want many more years together to play, laugh, live and love. More picnics on the beach. More sunsets, swims, paddles, potlucks. More laughing, crying, dancing and praying together.  And less stress, complaining, resenting, projecting, wishing, waiting.  I am acutely aware of how that drains life energy and I am less willing to be around it.

Perhaps conscious circles of support can help us let go of stress, struggle and striving. Help us let go of trying to get others to change so we don’t have to.  Let go of whatever is keeping us from our authentic selves.

In the afternoon of life, may be choose ourselves first. May we commit to joyous movement, mindful eating, connection, creativity, gratitude and love, every day.

“…we cannot live the afternoons of life
according to the programme of life’s morning
– for what was great in the morning
will be little in the evening,
and what in the morning was true
will in the evening have become a lie.”

Carl Jung