1.  Exploring – what is this feeling?  can we be friends?

2.  Tolerating – I don’t care for this feeling but if I breath, focus on the soles of my feet or a stone in my hand or the leaves outside the window, I can anchor myself.

3.  Allowing – feelings to come and go.  All feelings have a beginning, middle and end.

4.  Befriending- can I sit here with the difficult emotion and invite it to a cup of tea?  Can I hold my own hand rather than just try to get rid of the emotion.

There is a Nightmare in my Closet
Billy Drystal

5.  Naming – there is wisdom in identifying what is here in this moment. It is not necessary to fight it or fuse with it.  Just name the presence of it.

6.  Somatic – drop into the body for sensations that arise.

7.  Actively meet the emotion in compassionate kind way NOT with the intention of changing the feeling but BECAUSE we are feeling it