•  Imagine again the suffering of someone you know or met recently.

    Imagine again that you are that person, and are going through that suffering.

    Now imagine that another human being would like your suffering to end — perhaps your mother or another loved one. What would you like for that person to do to end your suffering?

    Now reverse roles: you are the person who desires for the other person’s suffering to end. Imagine that you do something to help ease the suffering, or end it completely.

    Once you get good at this stage, practice doing something small each day to help end the suffering of others, even in a tiny way. Even a smile, or a kind word, or doing an errand or chore, or just talking about a problem with another person. Practice doing something kind to help ease the suffering of others.  When you are good at this, find a way to make it a daily practice, and eventually a throughout-the-day practice.