Body Respect: What Conventional Health Books Get Wrong, Leave Out or Just Plain Fail to Understand about Weight is an inexpensive, accessible new book that counters medical and social stigma, misinformation and unchallenged assumptions about weight.  Body Respect helps people make sense of failed dieting and provides the science and philosophy to support them in adopting new ways of thinking about self-care – even when ambivalent about size acceptance. 

The book draws on findings at the intersection of science and social theory to argue for politically aware therapeutic relationships that foster resilience and self-care, keeping practitioners relevant in an inequitable world and helping them to better understand how to use their expertise while nurturing their clients in finding their own expertise. 

If you’re directly affected by our culture’s and the medical community’s attitude toward weight and feel uncomfortable in your skin – whatever your size – this book is for you.  The book is also for medical practitioners and students of health and social care so you/they, can understand the lived reality of being labelled as “overweight” or “obese”.   The book also speaks to policy makers and change agents, people on the front lines of community development and their allies in public health working to reduce health inequalities.

More information can be found on the book’s website: