This soup has become a basic for me. I prefer to roast the onions, leeks,garlic, asparagus and broccoli in the oven for 45 minutes with some olive oil and then add the roasted vegetables to the leafy greens and broth in a soup pot. All those greens are rich in magnesium, chlorophyll and antioxidants and make it a high alkaline meal.

My friend Pam shared this receipt with me and she eats it for breakfast with a scoop of cooked quinoa.

It fits for pretty well every dietary regimen – from alkaline to paleo to vegan…enjoy your greens.

2-3 Tbs Virgin Olive Oil
1-2 Shallots
2 cloves Garlic
1/2 cup Leeks
1 cup chopped Asparagus
1 cup Broccoli
1/2 cup Kale