This powerful practice can be used to help bring you back to yourself and your centre when you are in a stressful situation.  Especially if you find yourself so triggered that you are a bit dissociated and spacey.  It can also help with sleep, anxiety and pain.

Find a comfortable position and something pleasant to focus on

Breathe normally. Your eyes can stay softly open, unless you are trying to fall asleep. Keep your head and eyes quite still.  Open your senses.

Now name out loud, 5 things you see, then 5 things you hear, and 5 physical things you are aware of in your body. Notice each detail, maybe taking a breathe between each one.

Naming an item more than once or counting on your fingers is fine.  If you lose count simply start again.

Now proceed to 4 sights, 4 sounds,  and 4 sensations; then 3,2,1 of each category.

Repeat the whole cycle as needed to deepen the effect.

After, take 5 regular breathes to reorient. Or to fall asleep close eyes at any point.

This can be done safely anywhere except driving or riding a bicycle as it narrows your peripheral vision.