I get irritable for no reason
I’m not me. This isn’t me.
My emotions are all over the place
I get emotional for no reason and it bothers me

Everything in life has a rhythm.  The moon, the water, the plants.  and of course our moods have a rhythm. That’s natural.  So sometimes the struggle we are having is with resisting our moods and if we allowed them to pass mindfully, and kindfully, they would just ebb and flow.

Sometimes however, mood swings are playing havoc with our mental stability, our relationships and our ability to cope.  It can help enormously to start attending to these basics:

  • Notice how eating different foods makes you feel — not just in the moment, but the next day.  Do you feel energized or depleted after eating?  Calm or anxious?   Focus in on foods that give you clarity, focus and energy. .

  • Drink More Water to help keep up your energy,, focus and clarify.  Build some habits into your daily rhythm that include water, herbal tea and lots of fresh vegetables.

  • Reduce or eliminate Caffeine.  Limit your consumption of coffee, black tea and chocolate and find substitutes.

  • Reduce or eliminate Sugar. Sugar and other simple or refined carbohydrates are what we consider a ‘sometimes’ food that plays havoc with blood sugar, the gut and metabolism.

  • Take Probiotics. Studies have shown that when people take probiotics (supplements containing the good bacteria), their anxiety levels, perception of stress, and mental outlook improve.
  • Get More Rest and Sleep. Sleep is a time for rest and repair. It is also the time for the brain to consolidate memories  Not having enough sleep makes everything else harder to deal with.  If you are struggling with sleep, there are supplements and/or medications that can help.  Develop a rhythm that eliminates caffeine, keep ‘screens’ out of the bedroom and try to go to sleep and get up on a routine.
  • Develop a rhythm of life that truly supports you.  Balance sleep, rest and reflection with getting out, staying connected and helping others.
  • Reflection. Take time everyday to stop and connect with yourself. Morning journalling, meditation, walking in nature, contemplative reading are all ways to nourish your connection with your true self.
  • Create a pleasure inventory.  What brings you pleasure?  List all things small and big.  Pleasure is deeply nourishing and balancing.


Victoria Pawlowski, RD., M.Ed., RCC
The Centre for Compassion Inspired Health
Victoria BW