Stress and trauma shut down the digestive system so we can deal with what we need to deal with to keep us safe in the moment.  This is a good thing. But ongoing stress and post traumatic stress causing ongoing inhibition of our digestive system causes gas, bloating, mood swings, food sensitivities and energy crashes.  Not a good thing.

When our stress response (sympathetic system) is activated by an old or new trigger, the body responds to everything as if it is a threat – including food.It does this primarily by shutting down some systems and activating others.

The digestive system is one system that gets inhibited so there is a reduction of output of salivary enzymes, a tightening of the throat and slower esophagael action.The acidity of the stomach changes, slowing down digestion to the point where it allows harmful bacteria to overtake the healthy bacteria in the gut.

There is often disruption to the functioning of the pyloric and lower esophageal sphincters causing heartburn and acid reflux..Meanwhile the liver is so busy trying to filter the higher levels of cortisol (stress hormone) out of the body, it less able to break down food into micronutrients.

As a result larger macronutrients get absorbed causing more distressing symptoms or conditions such as leaky gut, food sensitivities, mood swings and energy crashes.

While we are not always able to avoid life’s stressors, we can support our gut and our sense of well-being by:

–   conscious slow mindful eating
–  chewing food thoroughly
–  drink lots of fluids
–  wait a few hours after eating before going to bed
–   eating healthy whole foods that are full of prebiotics, probiotics and digestive enzymes
–   consider a consult with a dietitian nutritionist to adjust your diet and allow the gut to heal
–   trauma therapy is a special type of therapy that helps you deal with unresolved and unmourned for traumas
–    meditation, yoga, tai chi or other contemplation practices help us develop the ability to be present, nonjudgmental and kind, with whatever our experience is in each moment of life.