Dec 8, 2015 | Blog, Eating Challenges, Health, Mindfulness, Nutrition, Self-Compassion
Everything in life has a rhythm. And the rhythm of the season is about moving towards each other in celebration, connection and in sharing food and gifts. If we are fortunate enough to have an abundance of food all around us, how do we take care to enjoy, but not...
Nov 18, 2015 | Eating Challenges, Nutrition, Self-Compassion
By Dr. Stephanie Diamond, PhD, CEDS, BEDA 2015 presenter and Oliver-Pyatt Centers Clinical Director Think about your own inner dialogue. Is it kind, gentle, friendly? Is it aggressive, rejecting, demeaning? Both? Neither? For the less fortunate among us,...
Oct 25, 2015 | Blog, Health, Nutrition
So many people are finding relief from digestive problems by eating LOW FODMAP, but it really is a different way of cooking and eating. It is a restrictive diet, but with a bit of planning, it can become routine. Here is a good way to get started with basics. Many...
Sep 6, 2015 | Health, Mindfulness, Nutrition, Self-Compassion
…let’s remember that when it comes to healing, our symptoms and negative behaviors don’t want to be fixed, they want to be heard. They want to have space. They want to be honored and explored in their complexity, and in their divinity. From this space of radical...
Aug 30, 2015 | Health, Nutrition
Stress and trauma shut down the digestive system so we can deal with what we need to deal with to keep us safe in the moment. This is a good thing. But ongoing stress and post traumatic stress causing ongoing inhibition of our digestive system causes gas, bloating,...
Jun 27, 2015 | Health, Mindfulness, Nutrition
We can eat the healthiest foods in the perfect amount, but if consumed in a state of anxious rushing, the physiological stress response will interfere with absorption of nutrients. So we end up wasting the potential of the quality food and, the possibility of...