Health Benefits of Self-Compassion
Self-criticism does more than make us feel badly. It is actually bad for our health. Self-Criticism activates the nervous threat response system stimulating the hormones designed to help us deal with danger through a ‘fight, fight or freeze’. When our threat...How to be a Body Positive Ally
I’m being good.”
“Just two chips.”
“Cheat day.”
“I feel fat.”
“Make good choices.”
“Counting calories.”
“I ate so badly on the weekend, need to go to the gym, lose 10 kilos, feel so fat, doing a cleanse.”
Chances are, you’ve heard these phrases before. You’ve probably said a few of them too, no matter what your size or relationship with your body.
They may seem harmless, but what you are saying to your fat friend, colleague or family member is: I am doing my very best to not be like you.

Forgiveness Practice
Forgiveness is an important part of self-care and an integral component of learning to manage difficult relationships in our lives. Mindfulness and Self-Compassion can help us. That is why Forgiveness Practice is included in Mindful Self-Compassion Training. The...
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