MSC Practice: 3-Centre Check-In
There is much research to show that simple, brief mindfulness practices can help us cope with difficult situations. The 3-Centre Check-In is an anchoring practice that can be used in emotionally challenging situations. It is a practice we teach in Mindful...
First Nations Health
The Centre for Compassion Inspired Health acknowledges that we live, learn, and work on the traditional territories of the Coast Salish Peoples – the Snuneymuxw, Stz’uminus and Snaw-Naw-As Nations. We are honored to have been invited to present Mindful...
Our Story
Start with the ground you know, the pale ground beneath your feet, your own way to begin the conversation. from Start Close In by David Whyte That’s what we did. We started close in with long time friends and colleagues. With our own hearts and minds. ...
Introduction to Meditation
If you are curious about how mindfulness and wanting to add this important dimension to your self-care, join us at The Centre for Compassion Inspired Health for an introduction to meditation class.