“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.”

~Thich Nhat Hanh

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Neural Pathways

Neural Pathways

Neuroplasticity is new brain science that shows we can change our brain’s emotional response to difficult situations. Regular practice of calming, breathing, soothing activities can create new neural pathways in the brain. Each time we choose to slow down our...

“A regular practice of meditation reinforces the neural pathways that bring wholeness, while also refusing to strengthen any toxic, self-destructive, or negative pathways. Without such changing of our “software” real and sustained change is almost impossible. ”

~Richard Rohr

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Self-Compassion Break

Self-Compassion Break

The Self-Compassion Break is a wonderful meditation to practice when you notice that you’re feeling stress or emotional discomfort. Sit or lie down comfortably. See if you can find the discomfort/stress in your body. Where do you feel it the most? Make contact with...


Mindfulness is not about making your thoughts, worries or feelings stop. Mindfulness is learning to notice thoughts, feelings and sensations that arise, understanding that they are not you, watching them come and go....