

Mindfulness practice helps us become more aware of what we are experiencing, while we are experiencing it. So we can start to observe ourselves when we are feeling different emotions and reactions and learn how not to react in the moment.  It helps if we can do this...
Emotional Safety and Self-Compassion

Emotional Safety and Self-Compassion

  Emotional Safety and Self-Compassion Self-compassion enhances wellbeing primarily because it deactivates the threat system (associated with self-criticism, insecure attachment, and defensiveness) and activates the self-soothing system (associated with secure...
Self-Compassion with Our Eating

Self-Compassion with Our Eating

Self-Compassion is needed whenever I find myself: disapproving and judgmental fixating on nutrients or calories focusing on what’s wrong with my body eating more than I want or less than I need binging or purging believing that this pain will never change angry...