Jun 27, 2015 | Health, Mindfulness, Nutrition
We can eat the healthiest foods in the perfect amount, but if consumed in a state of anxious rushing, the physiological stress response will interfere with absorption of nutrients. So we end up wasting the potential of the quality food and, the possibility of...
Apr 29, 2015
The most definitive nutrition expertise is found inside our gut – in the brain in the belly. Our metabolism is the sum total of all reactions in the body plus the sum total of all our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and experiences.
Apr 6, 2015 | Mindfulness, Nutrition
Unfortunately, many, many people feel anxious about their eating. There seems to be a huge gap between what people think they should eat, what they want to eat – and what they are able to manage around eating given their lifestyle. There are two main aspects to...
Apr 5, 2015 | Blog, Health, Mindfulness
“Darling, I know you suffer. That is why I am here for you.” This mantra is offered to us by Thich Nhat Hanh. When we hear this from others who care about us, a deep healing begins. When we learn to say this to ourselves, we are free. That is the power...