Tension, Stress and Trauma Release (TRE)
There are many different and effective ways to support people after they have had a traumatic experience. This technique is an interesting way for groups of people to discharge after a stressful event, based on Peter Levine’s work on trauma. Levine noticed that...
Trauma and Digestion
Stress and trauma shut down the digestive system so we can deal with what we need to deal with to keep us safe in the moment. This is a good thing. But ongoing stress and post traumatic stress causing ongoing inhibition of our digestive system causes gas, bloating,...
Mindful Self-Compassion Core Skills for Professionals
This workshop is designed to support health professionals, mental health professionals and front-line workers. No meditation experience is required. Participants of this one-day workshop will learn some core skills from the 8-week Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) training, an empirically-supported program designed to cultivate self-compassion using meditation, daily life practices, lecture, group exercises and discussion. You will be provided with essential tools for treating yourself in a kind, compassionate way whenever you suffer, fail, or feel inadequate.