Blog Topic: Weight
Read more(Poem from An Invitation)
(Poem from An Invitation) There’s something new about the world the day after it rains. It’s as if an artist erased the whole palette, then redrew homes, the trees, the sky with bolder outlines, and brightened them with new paint more vibrant than the old colors. What...
The Donut-Candy Study
Researchers asked two groups of college women to eat donuts. One group was then given a minor self-compassion intervention like this - "I hope you won’t be hard on yourself [for eating the donut]. Everyone eats unhealthily sometimes, and everyone in this study eats...
Simple Strategies for Self-Compassion
Consider how you’d treat someone else. The simplest thing you can do is to imagine what you’d do if someone you cared about came to you after failing or getting rejected. What would you say to that person? How would you treat them? Watch your language. You may be so...
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You are a Miracle in Progress
Imagine if you engaged with the world from a deep knowing that you are worthy. Imagine letting go of always worrying about "What will people think?" Imagine trusting yourself – even though you are not perfect. Imagine yourself saying “I am imperfect and I am okay” In...
Hardwiring Happiness
A great way to take charge of your happiness is by rewiring the brain with this 3 step process proposed by Dr. Rick Hanson 1. Look for good facts and let them becomes good experiences. - think of little things you are grateful for - for example, the coffee tastes...
Loving Connected Presence
Mindfulness and compassion are two of the most powerful agents of brain change known to science. Mindful self-compassion teaches us to respond to difficult moments in our lives with kindness, care, understanding, and wise action. Practices in loving kindness and...
Body Respect Pledge
Body Respect: What Conventional Health Books Get Wrong, Leave Out or Just Plain Fail to Understand about Weight is an inexpensive, accessible new book that counters medical and social stigma, misinformation and unchallenged assumptions about weight. Body Respect...
Rewiring the Brain
Hardwiring Happiness